Camille Duprat

  1. Puce Research interests

Currently I am mostly interested in problems involving the coupling of capillary-driven and low Reynolds number flows and elastic structures, with a focus on fiber-flow interactions.

You can learn more by visiting the research and publications pages.

Professor (EP/X)

LadHyX - École polytechnique

Palaiseau, France

  1. Puce News

  1. Very happy to announce that the Elcapitex project will receive funding from the ERC as a Consolidator grant ! Read more here and stay tuned for open positions / news.

  1. Annual review on Moisture in textiles available here.

  1. Puce Contact

LadHyX - Ecole polytechnique

91128 Palaiseau Cedex


Tel: (+33) 1 69 33 52 57

camille.duprat *at*


In front of the peak Polytechnique, 4241 m (and the peak Tchapdara, 5049 m). Fann Mountains, Tadjikistan.

In the mist © Daniel Schorno/Ana Rewakowicz

Photo: Jérémy Barande