Sébastien Michelin

Distinguished Professor of Fluid Mechanics

LadHyX - Ecole Polytechnique

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Palaiseau, France

Welcome to my webpage!

I am a Professor in the department of Mechanics and in the Hydrodynamics Lab (LadHyX) at Ecole polytechnique

My research focuses on fluid dynamics, fluid-solid interactions and applied mathematics. I am interested in the physical and fundamental understanding of the coupling of hydrodynamics with other fields of physics and mechanics including elasticity or physical chemistry with applications on various problems such as synthetic and biological locomotion, active fluids, bubble and droplet dynamics, and flow energy harvesting.


My group develops reduced-order models for multi-physics problems involving fluid mechanics, fluid-solid dynamics, physical chemistry and thermodynamics using the tools of applied mathematics, numerical analysis and fluid mechanics.


LadHyX, CNRS - Ecole polytechnique

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

91128 Palaiseau Cedex


Tel: (+33) 1 69 33 52 73

Fax: (+33) 1 69 33 52 92

@: sebastien.michelin(at)polytechnique.edu

Want to join the lab?

If you would like to join our group as a M.Sc. intern, PhD student or postdoc, please send an email with CV and current research description/experience. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

Funding (past & present)